Straight razor
Care & how to use

There are many questions, especially for those new to wet shaving with a straight razor. In this short overview we would like to answer the most frequently asked questions from those interested in razors. We hope to be able to give you a little help. If you have any questions that are not answered in this report, please feel free to contact us personally.
I'm new to wet shaving with a razor. Which knife is suitable for beginners?
We generally recommend that newcomers use a knife that is not too wide (5/8″ – 6/8″). Wider knives are more difficult to handle and require some practice. We also recommend a knife with a round head or Spanish head for beginners.
Can I use the straight razor immediately? How long does a razor last?
All razors are ready to shave when delivered. Nevertheless, the straight razor should be leathered before every shave. The lifespan of a razor is two to three generations if treated properly. The sharpness lasts for approximately 1000 shaves, then the straight razor should be sharpened again on the stone. It then lasts for 1000 shaves etc. Frequent stripping on the stone significantly reduces its lifespan.
What else do I need to shave with a razor?
A leather strap is urgently needed for wet razor shaving. The straight razor must be leathered before every shave. Leathering straightens the steel structure of the cutting edge, ensuring better sharpness of the razor. We recommend leather straps from “Juchten”. You will also need a shaving brush and shaving soap.
How should a razor be cared for?
Razors are almost exclusively made of non-stainless steel. It is therefore necessary to remove all shaving residue from the razor after each shave and then wipe it dry. We recommend absorbent paper. Residual moisture causes the razor to rust or causes unsightly stains on the knife. If you don't use the razor for a long time (approx. 1 week), it is better to protect the razor against moisture with a touch of oil or something similar. We recommend and use Ballistol. The best way to do this is to put a little of this protective oil on a piece of fabric and then rub it on the knife. The cloth can be easily stored in a small confit jar and can be used again and again.
Remove the knife
Step 1: Bring tension to the strap and place the blade flat on the surface of the leather strap. Now pull the blade against the cutting edge with a straight pull and medium pressure. Be careful not to pull the blade upwards in a slight arc at the end. Although you see it again and again at hairdressers and in many films, you won't get a good print with it. On the contrary. This will close the blade and the razor will not have its optimal sharpness.
Step 2: When you get to the end of the strap, turn the razor over your back to the other side.
Step 3: Pull the razor back down on the leather strap. Make sure that the blade lies smoothly against the leather. Repeat the process 10-15 times. This should give your razor its optimal sharpness.