If you want to achieve the best results when shaving, you should definitely test this four-piece set of high-quality pastes from the Giesen & Forsthoff shaving manufacturer. When used correctly, the pastes ensure lasting, thorough shaving results. The colored markings on the tubes indicate the area of application.
The tube with the yellow marking contains high-quality concentrated fat. It is perfect for leather care. That's why you should regularly apply it to the leather side - but not to the back with a different surface - of the strop with which you remove your razor before shaving. This keeps the leather supple and strong
The tube marked green contains a coarse abrasive paste. This should only be used with special grinding belts - and not with conventional strop belts. Together with a sharpening belt, the paste further improves the sharpness of the razor that has already been sharpened on a stone.
The tube with the red stripe also contains an abrasive paste, which is finer and can give the sharpness of your razor blade the final kick. Accordingly, the same instructions apply. Please take it with you after sharpening
a suitable stone and only use with a grinding belt and not with a strop. Your shaving tools will thank you.
The white tube contains a very fine abrasive paste based on lime. It is particularly suitable for caring for the back of the puller or hanging strap, which is usually made of linen. Please do not use them for the leather side!